Tuesday, April 5, 2011

Wedding Bells..

Last Saturday I went to one of my boyfriend's best friend's wedding. (got that?) Anyways, it was very traditional and fun.  I'm not the type of girl who has dreamed of getting married since she was a little girl BUT I must confess.  I caught myself the next day googling wedding dresses and locations...

Which got me to thinking...

Do weddings and tattoos mix?

I have this amazing tattoo that I looovee...

I may get more or not...I'm not thinking about that now..
Thing is...it doesn't really go with the princess vibe on a wedding...
So I started googling...

I discovered the lace jacket.

The lace jacket has a nice traditional, spainish and romantic feel that I love! It also gives a little extra poof to a strapless dress.

I keep googling...

Apparently there's much debate about tattoos and weddings.
Finally I stumble upon  http://www.allebachphotography.com/ Home of the tattooed brides. Their photography studio is in Philly (danm I used to live there!) and they offer discounts for tattooed brides. Whoda thunk! Here are a few samples.


Still not settled on the catholic church wedding aspect but there is more than enough time to think about that.

On other wedding news. As most of you know, Prince William and Kate Middleton are due to be wed on April 29. However, there has been some contraversy over a stamp that has recently come out.

Instead of putting their picture on one stamp, it has been enlarged and fits two stamps.  Not only that, you can actually separate them and mail them to different places. (no kidding) The upset is that the picture insinuates that William and Kate can be separated. NOT their publicists intention I would guess. It has been said that the Royal Palace approved the picture but was unaware the indented line would be present. The Gibbons stamp company has stated that the stamp is embarrassing and badly designed. I don't think it was that much of a mistake, William's side is worth $1more!

If you're into stamps, get your hands on this fast! It will surely become a collector's item with a sweet dash of gossip!