Saturday, April 23, 2011

Hello? My eyes are up here!

Remember that couple that recently got married?  They're back from their honeymoon and a couple nights ago my boyfriend and I went to their housewarming party.  We had more fun than I expected and I got to know the women there better as well. 

However, a minor annoying and kind of funny incident.  We met a friend of the bride, somebody who seemed to be a closeted gay.  I have no problems with people who may have different sexual orientations.  Still, I do get irritated when they blantantly stare at my breasts. 

We're talking about a grown man.  I'm having a conversation with him.  I look towards his eyes by unconscious nature and I'm struck by him looking down.  Repeatedly!!!

Why 1865? I have no idea...

Afterwards I discussed it with my boyfriend and everybody noticed.  I know its the immature idiot's fault, but it still makes me feel embarrassed.  Should I have told him off?  My boyfriend and his buddies dubbed him fruity loops lol. 

Is it ok for men to look at breasts at all?  As a woman I do check out good looking men.  Nonetheless, I do it appropriately without them or anyone else noticing.  I also don't think this is a master skill that takes years to develop. 

Let’s say I walk down the street with a female friend and there’s a group of guys talking.  The instant we pass by there is an overpowering silence as the men goggle at us. 

It can be very uncomfortable. I find myself asking "Is there snot coming out of my nose?" or "Am I trailing toilet paper on my shoe?"

So I started browsing the subject on the internet and I found a decent article advising men on how to check out a woman's cleavage without being an idiot and freaking her out.  It's titled How to Stare at a Girl's Cleavage from  What I liked most about was their first and most important rule is: Stare when she's not looking.  My point exactly.  They also discuss the importance of not making women feel uncomfortable and acting like a psycho which I very much appreciated. 

On a side note...
I am reading: Reading Lolita in Tehran by Azar Nafisi
I want to read: The Great Gatsby by F. Scott Fitzgerald
I have to read: La chanson de Roland by Anonimous

Tuesday, April 19, 2011

Live your Dream...

"There is nothing like a dream to create the future."
- Victor Hugo

"To accomplish great things, we must not only act, but also dream; not only plan, but also believe."
- Anatole France

"Twenty years from now you will be more disappointed by the things that you didn't do than by the ones you did do. So throw off the bowlines. Sail away from the safe harbor. Catch the trade winds in your sails. Explore. Dream. Discover."
- Mark Twain

I didn't write a post yesterday.  Today was also going in that direction.  I felt I haven't really done anything that interesting.  I've had a lot of work so I haven't read much either.  Before I convinced myself that I had done nothing, I realized how much I daydream.  I daydream so much I sometimes don't get work done.  Sometimes I get so spaced out people start snapping their fingers in my line of vision. (by the way, i hate that!) I've been accused of talking by myself... I know I laugh alone.  I remember moments.  Other times I'm so lost within myself I imagine situations.  Ask anyone, I'm a funny girl!

So today I've been daydreaming and organizing yet another list of courses I should take each semester until I graduate college.  It's been decided long ago that I will go to France in the summer of 2012.  I've also wanted to study abroad in France and recently went to a study abroad orientation.  I was planning on going during the academic year 2012-2013. 

Last night I asked my mom if I could go a full year. (Paris isin't cheap you know...)
She said: "We'll find the money. We'll make it work."
BINGO!!! I was soo psyched!!
Just a few minutes ago, I did the math.
Summer 2012 +academic year 2012-2013+ Summer 2013 (cause I'm not going back right away!)= 1year and a couple of months in EUROPE!!!!
Now tell me you wouldn't daydream excessively.

-France 2012-2013
-get accepted in La Sorbonne
-graduate with the best grades possible
-become independent
-become an English teacher
-study in a good graduate school of education
-make a difference in education in Puerto Rico
-a family

"The dream was always running ahead of me. To catch up, to live for a moment in unison with it, that was the miracle."
- Anais Nin

Of course we always dream of the future. It's necessary, it's healthy.
However, we should never forget that even to a small degree, we are always LIVING THE DREAM.

I've had some intense fights that have left me disappointed and sad with a few X-friends.  I was obliged to erase them from my life.  Not only that but third parties decided to erase me from theirs. You'd think I'd be describing a nightmare but no, it's still a dream.  It's a dream because I've learned who loves me.  Who deserves me.  The truth is I'm special.  I kid around a lot and get lost every once in a while but I am a GREAT friend.  Although the amount of truly close friends doesn't even add up to half the fingers on one hand, I know the one's I have our real; and that's a dream come true. 

"Everyone is a friend, until they prove otherwise"

My family.
They are not at all perfect.  But I admire their generosity, they're drive, and they're creativity.  They are the people who have always been there for me and always will be.  I'm truly blessed.

Romantic love.
Certainly this is a love you must learn to live without. I have.  I'm actually really good at it.
However (and all of you know this) it's not easy getting your heart broken constantly by immature people and inconvenient circumstances.
All of you ALSO know that when the right love finally comes your way you never expect it.  Maybe we unconsciously turn off the desperate vibe.  Sometimes I think its Gods way of playing with us. :)

God in my imagination:
 "Hmmmmm so you've gotten use to being alone...REALLY???  What do you think about THIS!!"

*Twirls his spirit fingers* BOOM POW SLAM!!!
Voila: GREAT LOVE...

Blue fire Jan 1, 2011

"Anyone can be passionate, but it takes real lovers to be silly."
-Rose Franken-

That silly couple Jan 1, 2011

Another dream I live...

I'm studying French, literature and education.  I'm studying what I want, my passion.  So many people are pressured into studying something they don't want for financial reasons.  Not to mention, all the people with no access to education.  (Something I hope to ameliorate)

I'm reviewing my post and it really could be a thanksgiving post (not my first intention).  I guess I write the same way life passes.  You have an idea of where you're headed but it's not until you look back that you see all the twists and turns...

"Caminante no hay camino,
se hace camino al andar"
-Antonio Machado

*Non Spanish speakers:
Wanderer, there is no way,
you make the way as you go.


Sunday, April 17, 2011

Adult Mad Libs

*WARNING*  This post will contain one or two words that may be sexually explicit.  Can't deal with it. Don't read. :)

So who loves Mad Libs or has ever played?


I remember there was even a kid show about it. Bit too much maybe.

For those of you unfamiliar with Mad Libs it's a word game.  There is a text with blank words.  Without reading the text, you are asked different grammatical words to fill in the blanks.  This is where you and your friends have fun and suggest crazy things.  When you read the completed text at the end it is HILARIOUS!!

This is a children's game that I will enjoy my entire life.  However when I went to buy bargain books yesterday I was really excited when I grabbed a hold of ADULT MAD LIBS!!! So much fun!!

Nicolas cuddling with my new ADULT Mad Libs
April 2011

Later that night I had an early dinner with one of my best friends at Dennys.  Yummy! She's not one of those hang-out only friends.  You can really sit with her and talk about anything..gossip..superficial things, deep and meaningful things..yes, EVERYTHING.  At certain times we were laughing so hard others were looking at us which only made us laugh harder.  I almost snorted some oreo blender blaster!

 I remember a particular glare from a woman with a little girl sleeping in her arms.  I'm sorry, but maybe it's not the best idea to take your seeping child to Dennys.  Stay home and order Chinese take out! Seriously!  I guess Dennys is not the best place to be young and loud.  At least not before midnight.


Back to Adult Mad Libs.
While we were eating I grabbed my new Mad Libs and explained the game to her.  We gave it a try and laughed so hard it took us 5 minutes to get past the first line.  Here's the sample:

City: Juncos
Celebrity: Justin Timberlake
Plural Noun: Bracers
Verb ending in ING: playing
Plural noun: flowers
Verb: Danse
Same verb: Danse
Part of the body: Dick
Verb (past tense): masterbated
Same verb (present tense): masterbate
Adjective: thick
Adjective: Nasty

QUIZ: Are you a Party Girl?

Are you a party girl? Take this quiz and find out!

1. The best part of living in a party town like Juncos is:
A. Increased chances of running into Justin Timberlake.
B. Great Transportation! It's easy to get around on subways and braces.

2. Haver you ever stayed up all night playing with your flowers even though you promised yourself you were going to danse early that night?
A. Um, I never danse before midnight.
B.  I fall asleep as soon as my dick hits the pillow.

3. The last time you masterbated in on a Saturday night was:
A. In the womb. Want thick proof?  Ask mom, she'll tell you I've been nasty since birth.
B.  I masterbate every Saturday night!

Answer: If you chose (b) for all the above, you need to get out more.

Juncos is a municipal in the country area of Puerto Rico.  Not really a huge city with an active night life which is why we almost couldn't get past that first line.

Today I finished Happens Every Day by: Isabel Gillies.  Yesterday I said the writing was really bad and today I still believe it.  However, it's still a readable book.  I developed a real sympathy for what happened to her.  She may not order her thoughts properly, but her feelings come through.  She says so herself, she's no writer.  The fact that she got this experience down on paper is admirable.  Became a bestseller, even better!  It's a nice airport read.

Hooked on Happens Every Day
April 2011

Saturday, April 16, 2011


It's a sad day when a book store closes...
However, the EVERYTHING MUST GO SALE eases the pain.
Especially when every book is worth 2 bucks or less!!

So Borders at Carolina, Puerto Rico closes tomorrow and my mom and I were lucky enough to make it to their last day for some extreme bargains.

At first it seemed everything sucked, just a bunch of 2 dollar Sarah Palin books. But, looking closer we did get some decent finds.  Agatha Christie for one.  In my case I grabbed every novel with a decent plotline that had won or had been nominated for any book award.  We all read shitty books.  Why not take advantage and pay less than 2 dollars for them?

To sum it up: We got approximately 38 books for seventy something dollars. NICE!!!

Here's a nice pic of our new bargain books.  My plan was to squeeze in between them and get a nice pic for all of you but things got in the way.....
Things like Nicolas, my cat.  Probably should have named him Dennis the Menace!!

Look at him! Off to destroy anything that's stacked!!

Best pic I could come up with!

The first thing I grabbed to read was Happens Every Day by Isabel Gillies. 

In just a few hours I'm way past the 100 pages NOT because it's good.  It's actually pretty bad. Particularly the writing.  Gillies constantly makes these huge parenthesis explaining the back story of why she just said something.  That's pretty awful.

The book is a memoir.  The true story of how her english poetry professor husband left her for another english professor.  I don't know if she changed anybody's name but she's describing everybody in complete detail.  Specifically the Oberlin community in Ohio.

What I LOVE the most is that she has gotten the ULTIMATE REVENGE!!!  Gillies wrote a shitty book about what two literary professors did to her and it became a BESTSELLER!!!  Those a-holes must be dying and I'm here in PR...smiling. :)

Friday, April 15, 2011

Can't rain on my Parade!!!

So these past few days have sucked!
I've been sick, had loads of work and filled out taxes :S
Let me tell you..filling out taxes involved waiting long hours with my pissed off mom. Not pleasant.
It's been a while since I really didn't feel well.  I had annoying pains in my back, my throat hurt and I had a nice Darth Vatar voice which was quite painful...

Today I arrived at 3pm  and just slept.  Woke up..took a long shower and now I just feel great.  Powerfully great.  Annoyingly great.  I feel like a I could go out and dance all night.  That's not happening.  But really, NOTHING can bring me down right not.  No pissed off, annoying, overrated, idiotic extra pounds (I just ate pizza!!! no guilt betch) Not even a "friend" who can't hang out because she already made plans with another friend... what? 2 people with a friend in common can not be introduced...whatever

12am tonight it's my boyfriend's b-day.  So I WILL be celebrating.  He gets off late from work tonight so that's why I'm not with him in this exact moment.

Looking forward to the week end...
yes. I hate Rebecca Black too...

Live, Laugh, JUMP!!!
Spring 2006

Thursday, April 14, 2011

Puerto Rican Spring

So yeah, we can go to the beach in December if we want...
But still, there are some fabulous changes when spring rolls around.

Just Beautiful...

Monday, April 11, 2011

Hemingway's cats

Writers and cats.  If you're any bit like me, that's a combination to die for!
Presenting Hemingway and his cats!!


"A cat has an absolute emotional honesty: human beings, for one reason or another, may hide their feelings, but a cat does not."
-Ernest Hemingway

In case you didn't know...
Hemingway lived in Key West, a great vacation spot in Southern Florida.


Just 90 miles North of Cuba!

In the 1930's a friend gave Hemingway a polydactyl cat named Snowball. Polydactyl cats have more toes on each paw than other cats.

Today the Hemingway House is a museam where you can see how this great writer lived and also share some time with around 60 cats.  More than half are polydactyl and all of them trace their heritage to Snowball.

Like Hemingway himself once said:
"One cat just leads to another."


Sunday, April 10, 2011

It's a simple law of physics

It's a simple law of physics.  On a sunny day, the shallower the water, the warmer it gets.  Like a huge clear puddle in a hidden corner of the beach.  I try to look at my ugly feet but there are too many distractions.  The necessary solitude has been diminished by a Sunday afternoon. I catch a glimpse.  The clear water reminds me of their potential of beauty.  But of course, it's not dawn on the coast of Isabela.

A new man is in my life.  We stretch our bodies in the warm water.  I really can't believe I live here.  Is it fair to have access to these sublime moments? We look at each other.  I suppose we're thinking the same thing...
Of course we are.  Sweet words are exchanged.  No kisses, there are children.

I don't compliment eyes.  It's so cliché.  But between our gazes something amazing has happened.  His eye, his left eye... Towards the sand it's green, its usual shade.  Not bad, I'll say. 
But towards the ocean, towards the sky, it's blue. 
The colors don't swirl.  The difference is heavily marked. I can almost see a diagonal line cut through his eye.  It's obviously an effect produced from light and shade.  A simple law of physics.  But I've never seen it before.  And I don't want to forget.

So today I went to the beach in Luquillo, east coast of Puerto Rico.  The piece I shared above is based on an experience that happened today! Romanticized, of course.

General scene at the beach @ Luquillo
 April 10, 2011

With my muse, apparently. :)
 April 10, 2011


We all know it is.
I got the idea of posting cute pics of girls reading with the tagline (you guessed it) Reading is sexy!
By girls I mean myself. If anyone else would like to join feel free to send me the pics and I'll gladly post.
Here's my first attempt.  :S

Catching up on El cantar del Mío Cid 
April 10, 2011

My boyfriend and I were jogging along the shore when we found the adorable hidden part of the beach I describe above.  We didn't have the camera with us so sadly no pics were taken of the place.  However, next Saturday I'm planning another trip to Luquillo.  On April 16 I will attend the 6th annual Festival del Tinglar ( Leatherback turtle).  The species is endangered and it will also help el Corredor Ecológico del Noreste (Ecologic foundation of the North-East PR). Expect more info and pics.
The plan is to go to the beach in Luquillo afterwards. So maybe I will capture that special place on camera.
Lots of love, mua!

Saturday, April 9, 2011

Ode to a pink dress

You know that dress you can wear to any occasion?
Everyone has one...
Most people call it their little black dress.
In my case, it’s my little pink dress.
(So Legally Blonde, I know haha)

I really do cherish this little pink dress and I've thought of how it’s been with me for many years.
I can literally wear it anywhere...

With some higheels and cute jewelry to celebrate my 17th birthday!
Feb 2008

haha making fun with one of my best friends.
Feb 2008

Vodka at the beach ;)
Gotta love PR!
Summer 2010

My little pink dress has seen the tough times.
Stumbled upon this car on a mini-roadtrip.
Hippy look: flip-flops and headband!

The skinniest I've been.
Just out of the hospital because of crohn’s disease.
I was anemic and needed blood transfusion.
Lil sis and me at the mall
Winter break 2010-2011

Some pics I don't have.
-I wore this dress during fall and winter 2009 when I lived in Philly with boots and tights. Shame no pic was ever taken.
-For my 19th bday, an artist friend of mine drew a pic of my pink dress. Haven't found it but will post it once I find it.
-I also think it would be a nice maternity dress/shirt..but that won't happen in a looooooooong time! lol

I found the dress in a little store in the center of Mayaguez, a municipal on the west coast of Puerto Rico. It was cheap and cute. I bought it!

On a side note..
I was showing this blog to my mom. A little weird since she didn't exactly looovee my tattoo and it's the first thing that appears on my last post. She likes it..phew! Anyways, she mentioned I should show another pic of my tattoo. One where I'm not in the tattoo shop lol.

Celebrating my 20th bday with my boyfriend in Ocean Park <3
Feb 2011
My tattoo was done by Che. Great award winning Puertorican artist from Rebel Ink.
Check his stuff out!
Oh and yes..I'm currently blonde.

Lots of love...mua!

Tuesday, April 5, 2011

Wedding Bells..

Last Saturday I went to one of my boyfriend's best friend's wedding. (got that?) Anyways, it was very traditional and fun.  I'm not the type of girl who has dreamed of getting married since she was a little girl BUT I must confess.  I caught myself the next day googling wedding dresses and locations...

Which got me to thinking...

Do weddings and tattoos mix?

I have this amazing tattoo that I looovee...

I may get more or not...I'm not thinking about that now..
Thing doesn't really go with the princess vibe on a wedding...
So I started googling...

I discovered the lace jacket.

The lace jacket has a nice traditional, spainish and romantic feel that I love! It also gives a little extra poof to a strapless dress.

I keep googling...

Apparently there's much debate about tattoos and weddings.
Finally I stumble upon Home of the tattooed brides. Their photography studio is in Philly (danm I used to live there!) and they offer discounts for tattooed brides. Whoda thunk! Here are a few samples.


Still not settled on the catholic church wedding aspect but there is more than enough time to think about that.

On other wedding news. As most of you know, Prince William and Kate Middleton are due to be wed on April 29. However, there has been some contraversy over a stamp that has recently come out.

Instead of putting their picture on one stamp, it has been enlarged and fits two stamps.  Not only that, you can actually separate them and mail them to different places. (no kidding) The upset is that the picture insinuates that William and Kate can be separated. NOT their publicists intention I would guess. It has been said that the Royal Palace approved the picture but was unaware the indented line would be present. The Gibbons stamp company has stated that the stamp is embarrassing and badly designed. I don't think it was that much of a mistake, William's side is worth $1more!

If you're into stamps, get your hands on this fast! It will surely become a collector's item with a sweet dash of gossip!