Friday, April 15, 2011

Can't rain on my Parade!!!

So these past few days have sucked!
I've been sick, had loads of work and filled out taxes :S
Let me tell you..filling out taxes involved waiting long hours with my pissed off mom. Not pleasant.
It's been a while since I really didn't feel well.  I had annoying pains in my back, my throat hurt and I had a nice Darth Vatar voice which was quite painful...

Today I arrived at 3pm  and just slept.  Woke up..took a long shower and now I just feel great.  Powerfully great.  Annoyingly great.  I feel like a I could go out and dance all night.  That's not happening.  But really, NOTHING can bring me down right not.  No pissed off, annoying, overrated, idiotic extra pounds (I just ate pizza!!! no guilt betch) Not even a "friend" who can't hang out because she already made plans with another friend... what? 2 people with a friend in common can not be introduced...whatever

12am tonight it's my boyfriend's b-day.  So I WILL be celebrating.  He gets off late from work tonight so that's why I'm not with him in this exact moment.

Looking forward to the week end...
yes. I hate Rebecca Black too...

Live, Laugh, JUMP!!!
Spring 2006