Sunday, April 17, 2011

Adult Mad Libs

*WARNING*  This post will contain one or two words that may be sexually explicit.  Can't deal with it. Don't read. :)

So who loves Mad Libs or has ever played?


I remember there was even a kid show about it. Bit too much maybe.

For those of you unfamiliar with Mad Libs it's a word game.  There is a text with blank words.  Without reading the text, you are asked different grammatical words to fill in the blanks.  This is where you and your friends have fun and suggest crazy things.  When you read the completed text at the end it is HILARIOUS!!

This is a children's game that I will enjoy my entire life.  However when I went to buy bargain books yesterday I was really excited when I grabbed a hold of ADULT MAD LIBS!!! So much fun!!

Nicolas cuddling with my new ADULT Mad Libs
April 2011

Later that night I had an early dinner with one of my best friends at Dennys.  Yummy! She's not one of those hang-out only friends.  You can really sit with her and talk about anything..gossip..superficial things, deep and meaningful things..yes, EVERYTHING.  At certain times we were laughing so hard others were looking at us which only made us laugh harder.  I almost snorted some oreo blender blaster!

 I remember a particular glare from a woman with a little girl sleeping in her arms.  I'm sorry, but maybe it's not the best idea to take your seeping child to Dennys.  Stay home and order Chinese take out! Seriously!  I guess Dennys is not the best place to be young and loud.  At least not before midnight.


Back to Adult Mad Libs.
While we were eating I grabbed my new Mad Libs and explained the game to her.  We gave it a try and laughed so hard it took us 5 minutes to get past the first line.  Here's the sample:

City: Juncos
Celebrity: Justin Timberlake
Plural Noun: Bracers
Verb ending in ING: playing
Plural noun: flowers
Verb: Danse
Same verb: Danse
Part of the body: Dick
Verb (past tense): masterbated
Same verb (present tense): masterbate
Adjective: thick
Adjective: Nasty

QUIZ: Are you a Party Girl?

Are you a party girl? Take this quiz and find out!

1. The best part of living in a party town like Juncos is:
A. Increased chances of running into Justin Timberlake.
B. Great Transportation! It's easy to get around on subways and braces.

2. Haver you ever stayed up all night playing with your flowers even though you promised yourself you were going to danse early that night?
A. Um, I never danse before midnight.
B.  I fall asleep as soon as my dick hits the pillow.

3. The last time you masterbated in on a Saturday night was:
A. In the womb. Want thick proof?  Ask mom, she'll tell you I've been nasty since birth.
B.  I masterbate every Saturday night!

Answer: If you chose (b) for all the above, you need to get out more.

Juncos is a municipal in the country area of Puerto Rico.  Not really a huge city with an active night life which is why we almost couldn't get past that first line.

Today I finished Happens Every Day by: Isabel Gillies.  Yesterday I said the writing was really bad and today I still believe it.  However, it's still a readable book.  I developed a real sympathy for what happened to her.  She may not order her thoughts properly, but her feelings come through.  She says so herself, she's no writer.  The fact that she got this experience down on paper is admirable.  Became a bestseller, even better!  It's a nice airport read.

Hooked on Happens Every Day
April 2011


Maria... said...

bla bla bla
trying my new comment page..

Miss Lou said...

lmao thanx for sharing the mad lib funny paragraph :P